Throw back to B&Tailor Trunk Show on 24 – 26th May

Dear customers form all over the Japan and Hong Kong and Taiwan,
Fist off, thank you to all the our customers who came on the day of the B&Tailor Japan Trunk Show on 24 – 26th May. I was very excited to have such a good customers and I hope everyone had an awesome time with B&Tailor (and SARTO Team). We can’t wait for next trunk show to see everyone there.
Here’s some pictures from the day and see you soon and thank you for sharing the day with us!


Text and Photos:Moto Kwok-Fan

Moto Kwok-fan

Moto was born and raised in Japan and has lived and worked in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
After he graduated from university, Moto started his career as a real estate and investment agent and digital-marketing. He worked for this industries for about six years and afterwards he started own business as marketing and some fashion brand agent.
In 2018, he joined SARTO GINZA as director and now he in charge of the marketing, promotion and sales department.

Menswear enthusiast and movie props, LEGO block, old Kenner/Hasbro Action figures “Huge Collector”

Good People Visiting, Mark Cho and Simon Crompton

23th May, Mark Cho, co-Founder of The Armoury, co-Owner of Drake’s and Simon Crompton, Founder of Permanent Style came to our Ginza store and talked about new Hong Kong projects (we’ll announce that shortly) and got a interviews.
Thank you very much indeed for coming, Mark, Simon and Emi-San. 

Everyone was very startled when saw and heard that our bespoke alteration services and Japanese “Onaoshi 
(Altetation in Japanese)” culture but I believe that very important thing and contribute to reduce “Clothing Waste” and to protection of the environment.
I hope the “Onaoshi” concept will spread to the world like “Mottainai” and I’ll do it.

5月23日(木)、香港の紳士服店 The Armouryと英ブランド Drake’sの共同オーナー Mark Cho/マーク・チョーさん、そして、世界中で愛読されるファッションブログ Permanent Styleの創設者 Simon Crompton/サイモン・クロンプトンさんが、弊社銀座店にお越しいただきました。
Markさんとは、香港での新しいプロジェクトのお話、サイモンさんからはPermanent Styleの取材をしていただきました。


Text:Moto Kwok-Fan

Moto Kwok-fan

Moto was born and raised in Japan and has lived and worked in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
After he graduated from university, Moto started his career as a real estate and investment agent and digital-marketing. He worked for this industries for about six years and afterwards he started own business as marketing and some fashion brand agent.
In 2018, he joined SARTO GINZA as director and now he in charge of the marketing, promotion and sales department.

Menswear enthusiast and movie props, LEGO block, old Kenner/Hasbro Action figures “Huge Collector”